mercoledì 17 marzo 2010

Easter, improve your English

Un modo facile e divertente per imparare nuovi vocaboli è seguire delle istruzioni in Inglese, cioè fare qualcosa che ci diverte leggendo come fare (how to) da alcuni siti inglesi.
Ecco allora delle idee per la Pasqua, ormai alle porte.
Iniziamo con delle barzellette (Jokes):
Is it true that bunnies have good eyesight? Well you never see a bunny wearing glasses, do you?

What did the grey rabbit say to the blue rabbit? Cheer up! (C'è un gioco di parole tra BLUE colore e BLUE malinconico)

Continuiamo con dei lavoretti pasquali (da fare anche con i bambini):
- origami bunny (What's an origami?Origami is the art of paper folding. (The most strict definition precludes cutting the paper. Read HERE )
Infine, ecco una buonissima ricetta per realizzare uova di cioccolata!

1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup milkmixed colored candies
1 cup walnuts chopped
chocolate pudding
1 lb powdered sugar
20 marshmellows
5 squares unsweetened chocolate, melted and cooled

How to make chocolate easter eggs:
-you will need melted butter. so take a 3 qt. saucepan and melt butter into it.
- when the butter is melted stir in pudding mix and blend until it gets smooth.
- you should gradually stir in milk.
- you need to cook this mixture over medium heat and keep stirring constantly.
- a little later the mixture will get very thick and start boiling.
- when it is sufficiently thick it will leave the sides of the pan and then remove the saucepan from heat.
- then you should add to it powdered sugar and vanilla. mix well until smooth and stir in walnuts.
- you should allow the mixture cool so that it is stiff enough to hold its desired shape.
so the moment the mixture is stiff enough shape it into 12 eggs, using about 2 t. for each.
- now place them on the waxed paper-lined baking sheet and refrigerate for 30 min.
- after 30 min. you need to dip each egg in cooled chocolate and place them on a cooling rack over waxed paper.
- finally it is time to arrange marshmallow flowers over the eggs. but make sure that you do it before the chocolate sets.

marshmallow flowers
- firstly cut mini marshmallows in thirds crosswise.
- then dip cut side of each piece into colored sugar.
- in order to resemble flowers you need to arrange 5 pieces, sugared side up, on each egg.
- store in the fridge.
to melt: sciogliere, fondere
to stir: mescolare
to blend: mischiare
to cook: cucinare, cuocere
to start: iniziare
to boil: bollire
to remove: rimuovere
to add: aggiungere
to mix:mischiare, mescolare
to allow:permettere
to shape: dare forrma
to refrigerate: refrigerare
to dip: immergere
to arrange:sistemare, predisporre
to set: sistemare
to cut: tagliare
to store: sistemare/mettere via


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